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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mauro Sheridan Board Displays Eighth Grade Reading

This bulletin board displays eighth grade book responses as part of the  Mauro Sheridan Literacy Committee family literacy activity for November called "We are Grateful for a Great Book" family literacy activity. For more information on family literacy activities at Mauro Sheridan click here.

Hooker LMS Holds Broad Tech Training for Teachers

Worthington Hooker LMS Beth Hart made technology the focus of  the Nov. 8 staff  development at her school. Teachers were able to learn about technology tools and websites they  could then incorporate into their teaching, use to improve communication with parents or students, or to have students use to demonstrate land share their  learning. Teachers were asked to select one or two skills to develop during the session that  included training on such tools as Photo Story, Prezi, Voicethread, Flip cameras, the school’s Vbrick system, Animoto, Google Lit  trips, animoto, word clouds and Skype. Hart facilitated the training in the library media center.

Daniels Library-Music Collaboration Casts 10 Students in Shubert Production

                 Ten students at John C. Daniels will perform in The Shubert Theatre’s The Wizard of Oz, thanks to the efforts of drama club co-advisors LMS TriciaMcGovern and Music Teacher Carmlyn Buleje,
                 Producers contacted Ms. Buleje about the openings for the muchkins. McGovern and Buleje chose ten members of the club to audition a song and dance routine before representatives from the theatre.

                 The students beat out three other local groups. “The ten were going to be taken as a group or not at all. They had to work together. That was huge. We didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. They only had about four hours over several days,” said McGovern, whose 12-year-old daughter Grace choreographed the routine.
To prepare for the show, the students meet after school two to three days a week for two hours and on Saturdays at the Wilson branch of the New Haven Free Public Library. The show runs Dec. 29 through Jan. 1.

Hooker Library Recognizes Volunteers

                 Worthington Hooker LMS Beth Hart held a party for volunteers Dec. 15, one of two she holds each year to recognize their efforts.
“I have eight volunteers who contribute about eight hours a week total, four at the lower school and four at the upper school.  I don't think I could manage the two-site challenge without them!  This is the 9th year for one of my volunteers, who started when her daughter was in kindergarten and who now is in 8th grade!” Beth said.
                 The next party will be in June. Beth gives her volunteers sweets, fruit, tea, coffee, cocoa and juice. This year she also gave them “Peace” book bags.
Volunteers (with their children) seen here at a party in their honor make are integral to the library media program at the upper and lower schools at Worthington Hooker.